My understanding is most of this money will be used for warlords who I gather have no loyalty to anyone but themselves. Everyone thinks President Karzai is corrupt and is probably smarting that he has been reduced to sharing the money with the warlords. We are supposed to be getting out of there in 2011, which is iffy, and will still be leaving behind no central government to hold the country together. I don't see Karzai or the warlords going away. So, even if we win, what did we gain by cleaning up the mess? All I see is the "same old, same old."

What am I missing here? We are talking huge dollars. The Taliban has never picked a fight with us, but the way they treat their women is deplorable. Our true enemy is al Qaeda lest we forget 9/11, but all the chasing seems to be on the Taliban.
Tyler Kohler
