The central question of the night will be: "Does anything actually exist?" As we move from Heraclitus to Niels Bohr to Edward Witten, we will attempt to determine if great scientific achievement has uncovered anything "new" or has it simply confirmed what Hermes, Plato and traditions like Hinduism and Buddhism, Alchemy and the Kabbalah, have been telling us for years?

Many people think that the understanding of the new physics is beyond them and causes brain freeze. To discuss the history of these beliefs, the debates leading to the theories, and the implications behind the results is easily within our grasp. And perhaps this discussion will bring us full circle; perhaps it will bring us back to where we, humankind, started.

Has science backed itself into a corner where, if anything actually exists, its existence has to be taken on faith?

What are your questions? What are your answers? Take this unique opportunity to share them with other Valley residents.

"Intersections of Science and Theology" is an adult educational series that is sponsored by the Waitsfield United Church, managed and moderated by a group of interested residents of The Valley. The series is hosted at the Waitsfield and Warren churches. All are welcome, as the learning experience of the series is only enhanced by the participation of multiple faith and no faith traditions.

If you have any questions about the session or series, please visit or call (802) 496-9697.

Gary Crosby
