Moreover, the population growth of the recent past makes any changes in the climate result in human calamities far beyond what may have happened in previous centuries -- entire islands risk being submerged, coastal areas flooded, etc., all with predicted loss of lives beyond imagination. Talk about disruption of the world's economies -- the favorite argument for doing nothing from the extreme far right!

Anyone can find charts and graphs to prove anything if one is willing to spend the time looking for them, but the overwhelming evidence, backed by the great majority of scientists all over the world, is that our actions are leading us very fast to a disastrous future from which our planet may not be able to recover.

Olin Potter will not be around to witness it, and neither will most of us reading his repeated attempts at further convincing those already convinced that we have no problems and that we can continue to mess with the planet since we are not responsible for its degradation.

Keeping one's head in the sand is not an option. We need to take action to slow, and even reverse, if possible, the inevitable, so that our grandchildren and theirs can enjoy this great planet. We have a responsibility to look beyond our own lives in order to leave this earth in as good a shape as we are able to do for future generations.

Henri de Marne
Former Waitsfield resident, now living in Essex
