An issue of concern has surfaced regarding a question on the survey about the use of eminent domain. The MRPA was not consulted with regard to the content of the questions or survey format. We, the MRPA board of directors, would like to reassure you that the Path has never been involved in an instance where eminent domain has ever been employed and does not advocate this as a strategy. We have never recommended to the town of Waitsfield, or any other town, that this was an avenue to pursue. Further, the MRPA is not empowered to exercise eminent domain.

We will not to ask the town to exercise eminent domain on the path's behalf and have always sought to work out cooperative arrangements with landowners. The MRPA is a private nonprofit entity supported by volunteers, grants and donations to construct and maintain the path and would welcome more municipal support. It is our sincere hope that we can connect all of the existing segments of the path from Warren to Moretown, through cooperative ventures with landowners. The MRPA also supports development of the path as a safe alternative transportation corridor for cyclists and pedestrians.

Mad River Path Board of Directors
on behalf of the Mad River Path Association
