How many of you who voted for Obama are still happy with the direction of the present administration? Sure, we're on the way out of Iraq, and on the way into Afghanistan. How about your Constitutional freedoms? Have any Bush-era policies and legislation been repealed? Has anything really changed since the last administration, except for our national debt?
When you are programmed to believe you only have two choices, it's easy to be manipulated. "Let's hate the Republicans," "the Democrats are spending too much money" (both parties do), and the two-sided arguing goes on. The wind on the flames is the media, who are the greatest manipulators of all. This will be repeated every four years like it has for decades unless America breaks out of the two-party system and begins to really "Vote Your Voice." Until this happens, we will continue to repeat history while those pulling the puppet strings continue to make billions of dollars at the expense of humanity.
Steve Allen
