We were not able to spend the entire month of August in Vermont, but during the two weeks we were there we experienced many great and unique events. To name just a few, we enjoyed the Common Man preview dinner; the always enjoyable Big Red Barn Art Show (one of whose pieces we purchased!); a lavish Taste of the Valley (even better than last year's which, we understand, set a new standard of variety and access); a particularly well-thought-out and -produced Art in the Garden tour (the sweep of experience from private gardens of various sizes and professionalism in Fayston and Warren to the gardening project at Sugarbush to The Valley's own vineyard made for a very exciting day!); the Photography Show in the Round Barn; and the second weekend's open artists' studios tour. We also enjoyed events collateral to the Festival, including Patsy Cline. . . Always at the Skinner Barn, a lecture at the McDermott vegetable garden and a localvore dinner at Timbers.

We are normally ski-season sojourners to The Valley (usually with a leaf-peeping visit in October), with our summers devoted to the Jersey shore and seaside events. However, the existence and growing scope and excellence of the Arts Festival has caused us to make several weeks of exception for summer in Vermont. Many thanks for a great time. Keep it up (and we'll keep coming up)!

Jane and Bill Macan
Strafford, PA, and Warren, VT
