Win Smith is not alone in his assessment that Vermont needs to be cautious with how it proceeds in the future with its taxation policy.

Vermont is a great place to live. We are here for a reason including those of us like me who were born here and choose to stay here. Vermont has done a good job of protecting our environment and quality of life while trying to keep up with technology.

But the Vermont that I grew up in is not the Vermont that exists now. I do not feel like I have a responsibility to pay ever-increasing taxes for ever-increasing social programs as they become an entitlement to so many people who move here to take advantage of them.

I don't know Win Smith really. But I do know that his investment in Sugarbush and he and his partners' active roles in this community have been a godsend to this community after the previous ownerships. Mr. Smith is not the only business person who feels that the state of Vermont needs to be less aggressive in its taxation policy to warrant extensive investment here either.

Adam Greshin's election, in my opinion, is a return to the type of representation that served Vermont well for nearly two centuries regardless of his party status. Oh, and by the way, this is not a Republican versus Democrat thing . . . . I could not wait for George Bush to go back to Texas either.

Tom Mehuron
