It was and still is my opinion that if an owner can afford to develop this energy source they should be able to pay for the land it occupies, if any. The town has never taxed any type of alternative energy and the town does not have a personal property tax. The federal and state governments already support alternative energy through money or credits. To vote another tax burden on local folks is just not right.

Who are the federal and state governments? No, we did not have enough information to vote on this article. For instance, if a household uses an average of 500 kWh per month or 6,000 kWh per year. GMP pays six cents a kWh to the property owner. This relates to $360 a year. I think this is a fact that would have been worth knowing on March 3. 

Another issue is HS122. The land taken in respect to the alternative energy statue would, no doubt, be within your house site. House site is your first two acres. The land taken within your house site for the purpose of the alternative energy is still a part of your property tax adjustment if you qualify.

Gussie Graves, lister
