Since, as they decried, it is very hard to get more than six or eight people out for a public hearing, perhaps we just all should pay a little more attention to these meetings on our TV, so we know how to vote come Town Meeting Day. So many of us are really befuddled by why we would have to pump our sewage up river, instead of downhill towards Moretown, and just why this is a bad idea. Let's hear some straight-talking, definitive answers from our elected officials.
The voters still need more publicity and better, simple, explanations of why we really need a new septic system. And perhaps the planning commission needs to know that passing a zoning regulation that is unenforceable until the new septic system is in place is also a bad idea. We can't put the cart before the horse.

There still seems to be a communication gap between the PC and select board, and then, more importantly, with the vast majority of Waitsfield voters.

Mary Alice Bisbee
