1. For many years the town used Ward's land to store winter sand among other things. During that time we leased the land from Mr. Ward for practically nothing. He made it clear he did not want to do that anymore. The town has not built a septic system on that land as planned, but the space is still needed for sand and supply storage just like we have done for many years. It is possible that, with the installation and information from monitoring wells, a septic system could be designed at a later date. Although not a factor in the decision to buy the land, the benefit of it being on the Mad River will be enjoyed by many.

2. The town garage has a state-approved holding tank for septic waste. There are two sinks and a toilet in the garage.

3. A vacuum system was designed and is operating to take care of snow melt in the garage. It is not performing up to expectations and other options are being considered.

4. The town is paying for the pumping and disposal of sewer waste from the Ferris' until their new system can be built. Previous additions to the old garage had played a major role in the failure of their old system and we agreed to fix it when the new garage was built.

5. For over 10 years while this town has been trying to build a new garage, our road crew worked in a facility that resembled a sweat shop. There was no bathroom, very little heat, inadequate space, poor lighting, etc., conditions most people would not work under. Building the town garage at the present location was not our first choice, but we felt it critical to get it done now and the voters and the development review board approved it. We have tried very hard to make this work. Many of the neighbors' concerns have been dealt with, and we thank them for their patience. We recognize that the job is not done as there are still some items to work out, but the town of Moretown should be proud they have built a garage that will serve it well for many years.

Rae Washburn III
