The first steep section past Lower Pines Road seems to be the "make it or break it" stretch of the road where cars start losing momentum and can't get up the hill. Cars stopping in the middle of the road can definitely be a hazard.

The number of days when the roads have enough snow on them to prevent ill-equipped vehicles from safely driving up to the top of the hill is not extensive. I would imagine that the town of Warren plows and puts more sand and salt on the Sugarbush Access Road than just about any other road in town.

The number of days when the road is just fine for travel by all vehicles is by far in the majority. It seems that requiring the visitors who do not drive cars with snow tires to come to a confused halt, pondering whether or not to turn around at the bottom of the Sugarbush Access Road when they see the "Snow Tires Required" sign, could cause as many or perhaps more problems.

Rather than having a sign that says "Snow Tires Required," would it be possible to have a blinking light of some sort that would be activated when the roads are bad? Or, softening it a bit to "recommended," giving visitors an early warning that they are indeed going up a steep mountain road.

Carol Thompson
