A normal person would have said, "Let's see if we can address these concerns," but politicians, being what they are, took the high road and adopted a sleaze-ball approach. They added $150 billion more to the total of which $110 billion was in the form of "earmarks" (pork) to obtain the necessary additional votes to pass the original bill.

This extra $110 billion was for: wool research; wooden arrow manufacturing; film/TV production; rum production in Puerto Rico (Bacardi); race track improvements and on and on. In normal court of law this would be called bribery for votes.

To top things off, both of our dearly beloved senatorial presidential candidates voted for this "improved" legislation and it was passed on to the House of Representatives, where it was passed in spite of high voter opposition. With the president's signature, it is now the law of the land. No one knows if it will perform as advertised, has no controls or oversight and will most likely not be the last time Feds will, for this purpose, have their greedy hands in the taxpayers "cooky" jar.

Olin E. Potter

