It just makes sense that taxpayers should prefer to have the cost of the water system paid for by user fees, rather than having it come out of property taxes, which are already high enough. I am not sure how much has already been spent on this project, but it is a large amount, and it must be paid for one way or the other. We, who live in the Irasville and Bridge Street district, have been waiting for this project for a long time. It does not necessarily mean that more growth will be taking place right away, but rather is a way to make growth possible in the future.

Without a yes vote by Waitsfield voters, we will lose all of the federal and state grant monies that are just waiting for that yes vote, to go into action.  Do we want sidewalks? If so, vote yes on September 9, Primary Day, and also note that there are a few candidates to be selected as well. And if you still have any questions, go to the scheduled informational meetings next week.

If you are not registered to vote, have moved during the past year and changed your address, you must reregister. Stop by your town clerk's office, fill out the appropriate forms, and then get to the polls. If you are unable to vote at the polls on September 9, it is very easy to execute an absentee ballot. Call your town clerk for information.

See you at the polls.

Mary Alice Bisbee

