Since no technological solutions are possible, even theoretically, and we are also running out of natural gas, coal and uranium, we are going to have to revert back to much earlier times. Therefore, here's my plan:

1. Start breeding draft horses and mules for farm work and transportation. We're going to need them.

2. Stop training people in the use of computers and start preparing them for the jobs of the future: blacksmiths, coopers, cobblers, spinners and weavers, and farmers. Especially farmers.

3. Re-build the old-time water-powered grain and saw mills on the Mad River. We're going to need them.

4. Stop building and maintaining paved roads. Dirt tracks work just fine for horses and buggies.

5. Stop issuing building permits. Planet earth is finite. We need to stop growing.

I could go on but you get the idea. Since I'm quite sure my plan will meet with the enthusiastic support of almost no one, I'll leave it to others to work out the details.

Tom Fugate
