I called the town office to report the continued truck traffic during the thaw and had no cooperation. Days later I phoned select board member Stephanie Venema to again express my concern. Trucks were finally stopped a few days after that phone call but the damage was done.

When I lived over on South Hill Road I was quite impressed with the amount of road maintenance that went on there. Often the road was spot graded to get the rough areas smoothed out weekly. Such care was one of the attractions to looking for a permanent residence within Moretown.  

But, now that I live on the 'back side' of town, the effort is noticeably downright minimal on Jones Brook Road and nothing on Herring Brook. It is clear now that certain town roads get more attention than others. ATVs and other sport vehicles run up and down this road constantly and I was told law enforcement was 'too busy' to take care of the problem. Mud trucks and ATVs rudely speed past pedestrians, livestock and pets. Trash is tossed carelessly along the road.

No one will enforce the law nor will the town maintain the road. I note that many people, residents and our neighbors on other nearby roads utilize Herring Brook to walk, jog, exercise their pets and enjoy the scenery.  Everyone wants to use it, but no one wants to take care of it.

I ask that Herring Brook be graded regularly and that traffic laws be enforced. I ask that commercial enterprises and non-residents behave, obey the law and show consideration for the wear and tear they create. Yes, there are few residents here, but the commercial traffic and recreational traffic warrants the road work. Residents are left dodging holes and ruts and sinking culverts while non-residents make use of the road at our expense.

Ann Horsman

