Our intentions were not to be "mean and cruel" to our Town Clerk, Susan Goodyear. She was not asked to explain or be specific about her illness. As citizens and taxpayers of Moretown, we were concerned that for the last two years we have held our Town Meeting without a complete audited report. This year the Receipts & Disbursements report and Comparative Statement were unavailable.

We realize Susan has been ill but understand a former assistant clerk and treasurer offered to fill in during Susan's illness, thereby keeping books current, the office open on a full-time schedule and avoiding the need to remove records from the office with the potential of losing important documents. Why didn't this happen?

We all know when Town Meeting is each year. Figures must be made available for audit. This is not up to the select board.

We also have lived in Moretown all our lives. We also have family and friends who are ill. Unfortunately, none of us is exempt from this, but we feel that the day-to-day business of this public office could have been conducted in its usual manner with the offered help. This office cannot be put on hold.

Past auditors

Sheila Griffith

Wilma Maynard

