"Five years ago, the U.S. began detaining innocent people at Guant·namo Bay without charge, without trial and without legal recourse. It has become the most visible symbol for U.S. human rights abuses. To mark the anniversary, Amnesty International activists will conduct protests worldwide."

"The America I believe in doesn't torture people or use cruel, inhumane treatment:

. . . doesn't hold people without charge, without fair trials, without hope, and without end

. . . doesn't kidnap people off the street and ship them to nations known for their brutality

. . . doesn't condone prisoner abuse

. . . and excuse high-ranking government officials from responsibility for that abuse

. . . doesn't justify the use of secret prisons

. . . and does not rob people of their basic dignity.

I'm joining with Amnesty International USA to restore The America I Believe In. The America I Believe In leads the world on human rights.  I'm committing to tell friends and family about the campaign. I'm also committing to contacting my members of Congress and my local media to tell them that the America I Believe In defends human rights and justice for all." (quote: http://www.amnestyusa.org/)

Caroline Tavelli-Abar
