To The Editor:

 Waitsfield taxpayers will soon be deciding, again, whether to approve or disapprove a bond for the funds needed to support the construction of a universal wastewater treatment facility at the town-owned Munn site. I say “again” because over a decade ago, we voted down a bond for municipal wastewater system at the same site. 



The first time through was marked by both public friction as well as meaningful debate. It was an energetic, important interaction. There were disagreements, but the public discourse was purposeful. And despite the range and depth of views the discussion stayed on point.

In Mr. Jamieson’s response to my recent letter to The Valley Reporter editor we see misdirection that does not advance a meaningful discussion of this project. He did not respond to the central point of my request, that the board return to a November vote on the bond, thereby ensuring fuller voter participation. Instead, his response was a retort to substantive project components nowhere reflected in that request.  

The contents of Mr. Jamieson’s letter may have its place, eventually, but not as a relevant response to the stated challenge to the board’s decision to alter the bond vote date. This may be nothing more than a growing pain as we all wade through the elements of this project, again. If so, let’s all strive to avoid conversational miscues that don’t advance the dialogue about this project.

Sal Spinosa