To The Editor:
I recently returned to The Valley and went to pay my respects to the three Valley young men who sacrificed their lives in Vietnam.
I have made the trip several times in the past. What I found on this trip was a flag pole with a partially tattered flag in the midst of an overgrown jungle. No visible evidence of the memorials located at the flag pole.
I realize that few people now living in the Valley knew Bobby, Brian or Wendell. Regardless, you owe them your respect.
The current state of the memorial shows a complete and utter disregard for these young men and their sacrifice. The recreation field grass is manicured and trimmed all around the ignored memorial.
I suggest finding another site where proper care would be provided by those who care. Perhaps locating it on some part of the greenery surrounding the fire station.
I knew them all and one was a close friend. They deserve better.
Steve Joslin
Graniteville, VT
USAR 1965-1967