To The Editor:
Hello, Dan Reicher and friend Dave Sellers:
I enjoyed reading Sarah Blow’s article on the sledding exhibit at Madsonian Museum and Dan’s story about his sledding experiences both in Syracuse, Warren and around the world.
“The Beefer Pasture” at Knoll Farm, Fayston, was the sledding capital of The Valley from the mid-60s to the early 1980s. The International Red Sled Races were held every year in the Highland cattle pasture every year even if there was not enough snow to cover the cow patties to so much snow we couldn’t set the course, but instead built a huge snow jump and judged the winner who had the most spectacular jump. Of course, the winner was Al Day with a sideward flip and turnover.
We had trophies, ribbons and timekeepers (this was before iPhones, but I have lots photos and Duz Macone took fabulous movies). The prizes were given out at a cocoa and donut party in the Knoll Farm kitchen after the races. The sled of preference was made in Norway, Maine, and at first all the sleds were red. Then soon there were orange, purple and green sleds. Mine was (and still is) green. I did win a couple ribbons, usually in the slaloms. There were graphic stories and photos in The Valley Reporter over the years.
Alan Day was the grand champion of most of the races over the years. Pete Macone, Deb Barnes (Alan's sister) and some of the teams from South Paris, Maine, and Hampshire College, MA, won trophies and ribbons too. Competition was fierce.
Our biggest race was the year that Dave Sellers and Rocket sleds challenged Knoll Farm and Norway, Maine, sleds. The race was held at Knoll Farm. The flying sleds from Norway won hands down. The sledders from Knoll Farm race prone (lying down) whereas the sledders on the Rockets race sitting up. The Rocket riders could do some fancy maneuvers that the red sled riders could not. It was the most exciting and fun race day of the more than 15 years of Knoll Farm sled races.
Ann B. Day
former owner of the Knoll Farm