To The Editor:

This is an affirmation of Amy Smith’s comments on keeping the name of the Thatcher Brook School and continuing to raise the American flag and the Vermont flag at or on school property. The Thatcher family was a wonderful family – adopting two Black children and living a caring life. And this was years ago. Who would want to change the Thatcher name? That name has strength.

Just like today, tearing down statues or changing the names of military bases; this is a bad practice. How else do our children and immigrants understand history?

This country is going crazy and it is embarrassing to think these committees such as the HUUSD consider themselves American. These are all historical symbols and I am sick that my grandkids and later great-grandkids will no longer recognize history through names, statues, photos or paintings. There was and is a reason for things being named. Are they supposed to only know about what is in the present? Too bad for them.

Why have people from all over the world desired to come to America? It I because the American Constitution gives us much freedom, protects our rights, allows us religious freedom, promotes capitalism. Most citizens and immigrants appreciate what America stands for and everyone who does not wish for this has a right to leave our country and go back to where they came from.

Thank you, Amy, for allowing our local readers to understand what is happening in our local area as well as in the whole country.

Lucia Putnam

Amy Smith’s “No other flag” was in the February 11 issue of The Valley Reporter.