To The Editor:

I support Molly Gray for lieutenant governor. She represents values that are important to Vermonters. She’s forward thinking, understands our state's biggest challenges, supports raising livable wages, paid family and medical leave, child care assistance, student debt repayment and family health care. If women and men cannot work because they don’t have child care, they cannot provide for their family.

Growing up on a farm in Newbury, Vermont, she knows hard work and has strong family ties. Molly graduated from UVM and Vermont Law School, where she teaches part time. She took Vermont values to Washington when working for Congressman Peter Welch and across the world working for the International Red Cross. Today she is an assistant state attorney general in Montpelier. Please join me in supporting Molly Gray to be the next generation of bold and compassionate leadership in the primary on August 11. Her website is for more information.

Dana Donaldson