To The Editor:
As a parent, taxpayer and a 38-year employee in the New York state educational system, I have some thoughts and observations on the school redesign discussions.
Let me start by stating that we can all agree a quality education for our children is our primary objective. In my (upstate NY) experience (similar size population), we had many of the same strengths but also similar challenges with declining enrollment and increasing costs. Many years ago we closed two elementary schools, shared more services and costs with neighboring districts, and had good test scores and results, very little loss to staff other than retirement attrition and mostly content parents. We had many years of stability and affordability, but current concerns about employee health care costs are going to necessitate some new thoughts and ideas.
When we were where you currently are, it was not about change happening because that was inevitable. The questions became when did the model no longer serve the best interests of our students and when will the current model no longer be financially sustainable?
Keith Baker
Warren and Canajoharie, NY