To The Editor:
This letter was sent to The Valley Reporter as well as members of the Waitsfield Select Board and others in the community.
Good day, Waitsfield Select Board,
As Memorial Day was last Monday, I was very disappointed not to see the village U.S. flags flying. I noticed that Moretown had theirs up; I do not know about Warren.
To me, and many Post 75 members, as well as citizens and visitors of Waitsfield, those flags remind us of the ultimate sacrifices made by the men and women of our armed forces. Further, the tradition of flying the U.S. flag in Waitsfield Village, and a great many other villages, towns and cities across our great and mighty nation, started after the events of 9/11 lest we forget any of those, who died.
I and many others are most curious why our nation's colors were not displayed this Memorial Day.
Fred Messer
Waitsfield, Vermont