To The Editor:
Last Thursday, a sizable group of your neighbors wrote a letter to the editor in favor of H.57, the abortion bill, now wending its way through our state’s legislative system. The letter cited the Vermont Medical Society’s reasons for support of this bill and listed pertinent facts to refute many misconceptions held by those who oppose a woman’s right to choose.
Space did not permit the airing of the final conclusion of the Medical Society’s position: “The Vermont Medical Society supports H.57 because Vermont physicians believe that neither the Legislature nor state law should dictate medical decision-making. Medical decisions should be made between a physician and a patient based on the highest quality, clinical evidence and aligned with a patient’s goals.” Most important is the elimination of “alley abortions – a result of criminalization.
H.57 seeks to codify Vermont’s 40-year practice regarding abortion: 1. This law would neither enhance nor restrict current access to abortion; 2. It does not change current policy; 3. It will not change Vermont’s adherence to current federal law, with which all clinics and providers comply. In fact, no abortion providers perform elective abortions in the third trimester. They can, and will, induce the birth of a fetus that had died in the womb or, because of fetal anomalies, is destined to live a brief, pain-filled life, or is threatening the life of the mother.
The undersigned respect the religious tenets of many devout and caring Vermonters, but we must all remember that our Constitution was designed specifically to prevent legislators from imposing one group’s religious beliefs onto the rest. Medical professionals and the women they serve must be allowed to make life-affirming decisions without interference.
Clark Amedon, Moretown; Doug and Lynn Barnes, Waitsfield; Susan Bauchner, Warren; Jeb Bouchard, Moretown; Eric Brattstrom, Warren; Laura and Duncan Brines, Waitsfield; Carole and Steven Crossman, Warren; Judi Daly, Moretown; Dana Donaldson, Waitsfield; Pat Folsom, Waitsfield; Dana Goss, Waitsfield; Carolyn Heft, Waitsfield; Al and Jane Hobart, Fayston; Sharon Kellermann, Warren; Dotty Kyle, Warren; Pamela Lerner, Warren; Stephen Willis, Warren; Stan Woliner, Waitsfield; Suzy Wolski, Waitsfield