To The Editor:

It became obvious during the Warren July Fourth parade that some people don't understand the race for The Valley's representatives to the State House. The Valley Dems' posters caused some confusion, so we will clarify.

Currently, our two state representatives are Maxine Grad, Democrat-Moretown, and Ed Read, Independent-Fayston, appointed by Governor Scott to fill the seat of Adam Greshin (who was elected in 2016 and now serving in the governor's administration).

In November, we will elect two state representatives for our district. Each voter gets up to two votes. Voters are not bound to vote within a party in the Vermont general election. The two top vote getters of all the candidates will be the winners. So far, the announced candidates are Maxine Grad and Kari Dolan, Democrat-Waitsfield, and Ed Read.

In the primary election on August 14, both of their names will appear on the ballot in a column headed "Vote for Two." Effectively, both will win the Democratic primary as there are only two Democrats running. In the general election all three will be on the ballot, with the note "Vote for Two."

Contact us with any questions. We meet the second Monday of every month.

Valley Dems

Carole Crossman, chair, Warren

Jeb Bouchard, Moretown

Dotty Kyle, Warren