To The Editor:

I am reaching out for some help. Many of you know that I am an active member of the Harwood Boosters Club. We have been able to accomplish some really great things over the years with a handful of board members and the support of some amazing parents, teachers, students and community members.

Going into the next school year we are facing a very difficult transition. Our president, Anne Latulippe, is stepping down and will be embarking on a new adventure for herself. We wish her the best of luck. We are also losing John Riley, Patti Kaufmann and Diane Gildea. These hardworking parents will no longer have children at Harwood and I want to thank them for all the time and energy they have invested to make Harwood Boosters what it is. Our vice president, Katie Pike, is expecting her first child and will be taking maternity leave during the beginning part of the school year. I want to say how excited I am for her and her husband as they begin this wonderful new time in their lives.

I am currently the treasurer and Katie Pike will continue as the VP. We are in need of a president and secretary and people in general that are interested in what we do. We put a letter out inviting interested members to come to our last meeting or send a note of interest, but I have not heard anything yet. If you are interested and would like more information, please feel free to reach out to me or any of the current members with any questions. Our current terms end on June 30, 2018, and new officers will be committed from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019.

Just some of the things we have done in the last few years:

– Three $500 scholarships for after graduation.

– Concessions where groups and teams are able to raise money for their missions.

– We purchase and maintain the Harwood athletic banners in the school gym.

– School spirit box available in the art room for students and staff to support their teams/groups.

We are also looking for your ideas on how we can support our students any way we can.

Melisa Semprebon, treasurer

Harwood Boosters