To The Editor:

The Sugarbush Resort Pet Parade was postponed due to the extremely cold weather on December 31. The parade benefits PAWSitive Pantry, a local nonprofit that helps feed dogs in need.

PAWSitive Pantry has been providing pet food to help those in financial difficulties keep their pets since 2009. Last year alone we provided over 100,000 pounds of pet food. Through our partnership with the Vermont Foodbank, we were able to provide pet food to 84 food shelves in the state. But the need exceeds what we are supplying; sometimes food shelves run out of pet food before the month is over.

PAWSitive Pantry is supported completely through volunteer efforts. That means aside from minimal expenses for operating costs, every dollar donated goes toward food. The partnership with the Vermont Foodbank provides bulk purchasing power and an efficient distribution system.

Anne Greshin
Board member