To the Editor:

Thank you, Valley Reporter, 1,000 times over for sending staff writer Christopher Keating down to Rochester for the important Bingo Basin public hearing, Monday, December 4, and his story on December 7. With the hearing over, only three Rochester select board members will be judge and jury for the fate of the Joseph Battell Wilderness southern back door, Bingo Basin.

We, the very longtime Bingo Basin residents, feel this is a Vermont issue – the Green Mountain Wilderness Corridor. History was made December 4 in the little village of Rochester as the hearing was recorded by Orca Media. Orca is now on duty providing voters with web access to public meetings. Your local MRVTV has this footage and is on air now. Also, you can go to, Rochester Select Board December 4 Bingo Basin public hearing, and view it for better understanding.

Now this historical moment has been missed by the town's official newspaper these last two weeks, the Randolph Herald. You would think the Herald would want the voters to know this exciting news. We're hoping that Mr. Keating will do some detailed investigative reporting to share with us all.

Again, thank you very much from the heart of the Green Mountains, Bingo Basin – Keep It Wild and quiet!

From the farthest out long-term Bingo residents,

Harland McKirryher and Mason Wade