To The Editor:

I want to thank all Waitsfield residents for the privilege of serving as one of your select board members these past 21 months. I recently completed my doctorate and have just accepted a position as an administrator at a university in Kansas. I hoped to find work in my field here in Vermont since this is, and always will be, my home. However, things worked out differently. I will be heading to Kansas immediately after the holidays so my last select board meeting will be December 18.

I have learned a tremendous amount doing this work. There are so many important issues that come before the board and differences in opinions and priorities to balance. I have the utmost respect for the intensive commitment with which members of each and every Valley board and commission do their work and for the expertise and experience that each volunteer brings to his or her work. I hope more individuals will step forward to take on such responsibilities, because such volunteerism is what makes our small-town participatory democracy work.

Again, thank you for the privilege of serving.

Anne Bordonaro
