To the Editor:

Are you at all frustrated with the political direction Vermont is currently on? A group of us have formed the Green Mountain Party to address the concerns of so many in Vermont that are being ignored. Here is a link to our party at the secretary of state,

Our platform includes term limits, eight years or two terms, whichever is longer; it’s standard for our party and we’d push the state to adopt this from select board to governor.

Our seven-point plan is directed at the following:

Ethics – Bring our D- to an A+. Give our ethics commission money to operate, investigatory powers and enforcement powers.

Big money influence out-of-state government – We’d tax out-of-state lobbyists and PAC money heavily. PAC money is just legalized bribery funding propaganda and enriching those who peddle the propaganda.

Stop gross negligence with tax money – We aim to improve schooling and health care; just a few years ago we were 25 percent and 30 percent cheaper than today.

Drugs – Our approach has failed on almost every attempt. We need a concerted focus, multipronged strategy to get this scourge from ruining our society further.

Jobs – We have a climate that is not conducive or friendly toward business development and growth. We need good education for our citizens. We need business education.

Schools – We can do better and for far less money. The state is gutting our communities and taking control of our towns. We can provide a quality college education for 70 percent less than the universities through use of state-certified college-level educators and community building use.

Homes – Our current regulatory climate is abusive to anyone earning an average wage. We can efficiently provide an affordable house for less than $600 per month, the cost to rent a studio apartment. Three-bedroom, 1,000 square feet, six homes to an acre.

Want our system to change? Help us organize in your town so we can be a significant party in 2018. It only takes three to four people and about 15 minutes.

Please help us come to your town. We need more towns organized by January 1, 2018. Contact us now at 802-496-4470 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Neil Johnson
