To The Editor:

The editorial and article in last week's Valley Reporter and the Valley Viewpoint Q&A in this week's issue were reminders not only that recreation plays an important role in our everyday lives as Valley residents and visitors, but also that our state and local governments play a really important role in supporting recreation opportunities. The Mad River Path (tag line: "Get Into the Valley's Great Outdoors! For Recreation, Health, Connections") is one private nonprofit organization among several working to grow and maintain a network of multi-user trails and facilities, often with generous cooperation of private landowners and town land managers. We are going to celebrate trail and recreation opportunities at an event on Saturday, December 9, from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the Mad River Taste Place. Please join us to learn about the Mad River Path and our particular project to improve the walking and biking path in Irasville, connecting to businesses both in Irasville and downtown Waitsfield. Walking can happen on the ridges, by the river, even in our commercial areas! The event is free of charge. Come learn, meet people who share an interest in getting outdoors, enjoy Vermont food and beverages, and learn about growing our recreation opportunities for us and for future generations!

Ned Farquhar, executive director

Mad River Path Association

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