As a born and raised Valley native I have seen a lot of changes in past 85 years, but in the past 25 years many have been presented in a deceptive and false manner. I just watched the MRVTV recording of the so-called Lovett Park dedication. For the benefit of the very small group that attended and anyone else, I would like to give you some facts and comments.

Frank Lovett did not have a barber shop there from 1921 to 1977 as stated. He had a shop in Warren downstairs in what was then Will Freeman's store in the mid-30s and early 40s.When he first opened and when he moved to Waitsfield, I don’t know.

Voters did not approve the funding nor did they approve the purchase of the property. I cannot find nor has anyone told me what authority the select board had to make this purchase. It appears to have been a privately negotiated transaction and agreed to by a partial select board.

If it had been presented to the voters in an honest and truthful way, such as "Will the voters of the town of Waitsfield approve the sum of $20,000 for the purchase of .02 acres of land at the southwest corner of the covered bridge? It is appraised at $12,000, but we want to pay $20,000, that is an even $1 million per acre," do you think it would pass?

If you are making a presentation to the public, please be honest, tell the truth and state the facts.

Vic Dumas
