To The Editor:

When I was in college, which was many years ago, the Republicans were calling for tax cuts. Today, under Donald Trump, they are still doing so. If crime rates are soaring, we need a tax cut. If crime is in decline, we need a tax cut. If our bridges are crumbling, we need a tax cut. If our schools are failing, we need a tax cut. If millions of people lack health insurance, we need a tax cut. If veterans and others are homeless, we need a tax cut. If we have an opioid epidemic, we need a tax cut. If North Korea is building a nuclear arsenal, we need a tax cut. If whole regions are devastated by hurricanes and floods, we need a tax cut. Everyone would like to pay lower taxes, but today, even after all these years, I don’t see how cutting taxes can possibly be the solution to every imaginable problem. I must be missing something obvious.

Paul Hanke
