To The Editor:

The Warren Democratic Town Committee reorganization meeting was held September 12, 2017, at the Warren Town Hall. Neil Harrington, a longtime Democratic chair, stepped down and was replaced by Carole Crossman. We extend our thanks and well wishes to Neil for his many years of service. The committee voted the following officers: Pam Lerner, vice chair; Bobbi Rood, secretary; and Sandra Brodeur, treasurer. Steve Willis and Dottie Kyle will serve as Washington County reps with alternates Pam Lerner and Eric Brattstrom.

Fayston and Waitsfield are seeking individuals to serve on their respective town committees. We very much seek other members to join, especially welcoming young people. Building and cultivating leadership at the local level is the bedrock of success for our party. The town committees meet once a year – on odd years to reorganize and even years to choose justices of the peace. This is not an all-consuming involvement.

Town organizing is important because only organized towns can legally raise money, help fulfill elected office vacancies and send members to attend state and national conventions. More importantly, it should be seen as an opportunity to do right by your community and represent the Vermont we all care about.

For more information, contact me, Carole Crossman, at 496-3386.

Carole Crossman

Warren committee chair