To The Editor:

By law, on every odd-numbered year major parties in Vermont hold town caucuses to discuss issues and choose a town committee. After the caucus, the town committee selected at the caucus meets to elect town officers for the coming two years.

As “all politics are local” (to repeat an oft-quoted expression), the local town caucuses are in many ways the most important meeting of the year for those wishing to influence and choose their political leaders.

State law directs the state political party to select a date for the town caucuses. The GOP has selected Wednesday, September 13, though it has given some leeway to towns that cannot for some reason meet that day.

Towns are now in the process of selecting the precise date, time and locale for these important meetings. Listing can be found on the Washington County GOP website,, as well as on the state Republican website, Notices are also being posted at town halls across the state, mailed to newspapers covering those towns and posted on frequented electronic sites such as Front Porch Forum and Facebook.

As chair of the Washington County Republican Committee, I urge all those involved or interested in the governance of our political institutions to attend their town caucus. If you are curious about some of the principles the Vermont Republican party stands for, I urge you to check out either the Washington County or state GOP websites listed above.

John “Josh” Fitzhugh, chair
Washington County Republican Committee