To The Editor:

Animal advocates from all over Vermont and New England will gather peacefully at Lamoille County Courthouse in Hyde Park on July 14 from noon to 2 p.m. to honor and remember the struggles of the Eden dogs, then and now, and to seek justice for them by demanding charges be refiled against Carol Merchant of Eden. The charges were dismissed in April 2017 without prejudice, which means these charges can be reinstated. Merchant was charged with eight counts of felony for abuse and torture of 94 dogs that were seized from her home in February 2015.

It was one of the most horrendous animal abuse cases in Vermont’s history. Vermont has a history of about 450 animal abuses cases per year – a high number for a small state. Such cases receive little attention .They lack sufficient impunity even with animal abuse a federal felony in all states. It is time for all of us to take a bold stand and demand justice. This case is precedent-setting and if prosecuted we can move forward in preventing animal abuse and human domestic violence. Animal abuse is a direct link to human abuse.

We will present the state prosecutor with thousands of signed petitions. Vermont Dog Rescue has been actively following this case since 2015. We are a nonprofit group operating in the Mad River Valley for many years.

Many animal advocates from Vermont shelters and other rescue groups have put forth great effort to see this case brought to justice.

Carole Crossman