To The Editor:

This letter is to make my friends and neighbors aware of the excellent and happy summer day they are missing by not attending the Fourth of July parade.

I respect people’s lack of enthusiasm for crowds and congestion in our jaded little Valley, but this is a good crowd with lots of families and friends focused on simply having a good time.

Yes, this scene has had its share of aberrant alcohol behavior in the past, but I feel we as a community have gotten a handle on it.
I was simply hanging out, enjoying the vibe and it felt like everything was done well and in a balanced way. Music was great – many, many floats were not political but good clean family fun – lots of smiling, candy-chucking kids and relaxed, happy parents, etc.

Even the kindly white-haired gent standing beside me seemed very chill and happy – kudos, Bernie.

Not my job, but I invite all who enjoy people having a nice fun day to attend next year. I encourage you to create a float and be in the parade – it is a whole different perspective!

John Lynch