To The Editor:

Planned Parenthood of Northern New England serves a critical role in our communities here in Vermont. I would like to thank Congressman Peter Welch for voting no on yesterday’s American Health Care Act. Although Paul Ryan and House Republicans voted to block people with Medicaid from accessing preventive care at Planned Parenthood health centers, which includes birth control, cancer screenings and STD testing and treatment, Congressman Welch clearly understands the importance of protecting access to essential health services for the 18,000 patients living in Vermont. Our representative stood strong in denouncing the passing of a bill that forces women into a world where it’s nearly impossible to both prevent pregnancy and to get medical care once they’re pregnant.

This is not a drill. It is devastating that elected representatives across the country are playing political games with people’s health care. I am thankful that Vermont has a congressman and senators who really listen to the needs of their Vermont constituency and have continued fighting against these attacks on such fundamental human rights. As our attention turns to the Senate, I am sending my solidarity and support to Senators Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders as they continue to stand against any Senate bill that would block access to care at Planned Parenthood.

Karen Anderson
