To The Editor:
In August 2015 the Harwood Unified Union School District Board (HUUSD) was sworn in after a positive vote to consolidate the school governance of our existing district schools in Warren, Fayston, Waitsfield, Moretown, Harwood Union, Duxbury and Waterbury. While the new unified board has taken on many of the primary functions of school governance such as budgeting, negotiations and policy development, your local school boards are still active and meeting regularly to provide governance for the current school year and complete the work of closing the business of their school districts.
We share the following information to inform Waitsfield residents of upcoming meetings, opportunities for engagement and the remaining work your local school board is executing.
March 6, 2017, 6 p.m., HUUSD annual meeting at Harwood to review the proposed budget and work of the board.
March 7, 2017, HUUSD budget vote by Australian ballot, 4 p.m., Waitsfield School Board will convene to provide a school report and conduct limited business election of Waitsfield School Board members for the remainder of the fiscal year (until the Waitsfield school district ceases to legally exist) by Australian ballot.
April-June, the Waitsfield School Board will meet as needed on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. to conduct the business of our local school. The HUUSD Board meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 6 p.m. at the Harwood Union library. With the budget completed, the HUUSD Board will focus on policy and long-term plan development. Public attendance is appreciated and encouraged.
The Waitsfield School Board anticipates that all business of the Waitsfield school district will be completed by December 2017. The Waitsfield School Board would like to thank the Waitsfield community for their continued support of our local school and education as a whole throughout our communities. Our schools are as strong as the communities that support them.
Waitsfield Board of School Directors
Eva Frankel, chair; Jonathon Goldhammer, Jeremy Gulley, Barclay Rappeport and Christine Sullivan.