To The Editor:

This is a dark and disturbing moment in time for the USA. It is troubling for American values and other democracies. The election of Mr. Trump sets a bad precedent for behavior, integrity and respect. The bar has been lowered to zero.

The office of president has always imbued respect, decorum and dignity. Never in our history have we experienced such complete disregard of decency from a presidential candidate.

His continuous disparaging remarks were without moral compass. He directed abusive remarks (and actions) toward women, blacks, Mexicans, Muslims, Gold Star parents, journalists and the disabled, war veterans and our president. He displayed an uncontrolled narcissistic, unconscionable behavior, typical of a textbook sociopath.

He takes office as president with hundreds of businesses in over 25 countries, and 25 various lawsuits in his repertoire. It is a cauldron of conflicts, just now coming to light as to the depth and involvement with many countries.

Even without a federal rule requiring him to place his assets in blind trust (such as his children, which could never be blind!) he could run afoul of the emolument clause in the Constitution. The whole situation smells of scandal. Amid his audacious statement, “I can run the country and my business.” Such arrogant disregard of normal restraints. Add to this his statement that he's “a smart guy and don't have to take intelligence briefings.”

He certainly is not a role model for young students. There is already a backlash of sentiment displayed in many high schools throughout the country – students using racial slurs, bullying on Muslims, all a mirror to his remarks during the campaign.

This is foreboding Trump has set the precedent. What will the next candidate do? If Trump’s behavior is acceptable, we are in big trouble.

Carole Crossman