To The Editor:
Once again someone stole my address numbers. This is the third time, twice this year. They pulled the post out of ground and took the post hanger and sign. This time just a post with numbers 420 on it, which was over 18 inches in the ground. I have had this address since the start of E 911 and I hate to change it.
I just hope we don’t have an emergency and can’t be found.
If you see a brown 4x4 with number 420 on it please notify me or the state police.
The financial loss is not great. It is the loss of the peace of mind that we can be found in case of an emergency such as we had a few weeks ago. I wonder if these people realize that this act could cause a very serious medical problem or they just don’t care. I believe my problem is local and the same person. I understand why it is happening, and it is a shame that we have these sick people in The Valley.
Vic Dumas