To The Editor:
As longtime Washington County legislators, we are proud to voice strong support for Sue Minter as our next governor.
We don’t have to wonder what Sue Minter will do for Vermonters as governor. We can just look at what she’s done for Vermonters as a dedicated public servant and community volunteer. After Tropical Storm Irene, when floods devastated many Washington County towns, Sue was there for us. She worked with teams to get roads and bridges repaired, businesses reopened and Vermont back on track.
As governor, Sue will continue to champion Washington County’s economic growth and is committed to strengthening communities in our region through her program InvestVT. Additionally, she’s dedicated to expanding our region’s recreational and manufacturing economy, increasing affordable housing and expanding higher education opportunities.
Sue Minter has demonstrated time and again that she delivers on what she promises to Vermonters. That’s the kind of governor Vermont needs.
Warren Kitzmiller, Tony Klein, Mary Hooper, Maxine Grad, Janet Ancel, Paul Poirier, Ann Cummings