To The Editor:

Someone shot my daughter’s cat on the night of June 2 in our neighbor’s yard! Who would do such an incredibly evil thing? He was a beautiful Siberian long-haired cat and a beloved pet. Someone shot him with a .22 and had to have been close enough to see that he was a cat, a pet, a loved one, not a sick or feral animal. We are devastated; my daughter is heartbroken and no one can understand why anyone would do such a terrible thing. Is someone out there stalking and killing cats? Are all of our cats at risk? We take the chance, living in the country, that our cats are going to be killed by wild animals. That is the cycle of life and if we choose to let our cats live happy lives, outside hunting and playing, that is a risk we take, but whoever thought that someone would deliberately shoot someone’s cat? I can’t get over the disbelief and horror I am feeling right now; the pure malice of it! If anyone knows anything, please let us know.

Lori Klein