To The Editor:

Marie Leotta writes in her recent article she knows people here who are "breeding and hoarding" in conditions that are often "unclean, flea and feces ridden, coupled with a total lack of veterinary care." As dog warden, has she not taken steps to expose such alleged circumstances and further steps have these animals intercepted immediately? I'm not clear from her article if her information was fed to her by the veterinarian who spoke at the seminar or from her own personal observations, but Marie Leotta's article is grossly misleading and ignores the immensely important, tireless and endless efforts of Carole Moore, Carole Crossman and others of the Vermont Dog Rescue network. Is it even possible Marie may not know of VDR? If indeed Marie knows of any animals kept in unsanitary and unsafe conditions, then perhaps she must contact the Caroles and work together in finding a healthier, safer, loving home for these creatures immediately, as the VDR succeeds in doing with hundreds of dogs each year. I personally care on occasion for some of these precious, innocent beings and know firsthand the intelligent, thoughtful screening process taken to ensure optimal pairing of dog with family. Vermont Dog Rescue deserves a standing ovation and could use more support. Anyone interested in assisting their mission might consider volunteering or making a donation to VDR.

Trish Hopkins