To The Editor:

With regard to Keith Taylor's take on the Korean War: With all due respect, I maintain my position. Japan controlled Korea from the early 20th century until they lost WWII. When they lost control, two vicious dictators vied for control: Kim Il Jung in the north and Syngman Rhee in the south. Syngman was so vicious that many of his soldiers defected when Kim invaded. So, though the UN did give permission to aid the south, over 80 percent of the forces were from the United States. To this day the Chinese call the Korean War "The war to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea." In reality this was our attempt to get a military foothold on the eastern peninsula of the Soviet/Chinese mainland. The use and abuse of our soldiers to extend capitalist expansion is indeed un-American and immoral. Dwight Eisenhower agreed with me so much that on November 29, 1952, before he was even sworn in as president, he negotiated a peace deal with China.

Robin Lehman