As volunteer trail stewards for Vermont's Catamount Trail from Lincoln Gap to West Hill Road, we would like to make a plea to cross-country and backcountry skiers, riders, snowshoers and sledders in the Mad River Valley to stay on designated trails. It has been brought to our attention once again that snow travelers are straying off the Catamount Trail and Lincoln Gap Road and heading down off Green Mountain National Forest land and across private land.

The affected landowners are understandably very unhappy with this practice. This is not only trespassing, but it is also very dangerous.

This area contains an active sugar bush with many sap lines. In a good year, there is so much snow that the lines are buried and you cannot see them. Snow travelers risk significant injury to themselves and also cause real inconvenience and financial woes to the landowner by traveling over and through the lines. Tubing is ripped down and damaged, having to be replaced – a labor-intensive and costly endeavor. Please respect the landowner and their sugar bush. Stay on the official marked trails.

Many miles of the Catamount Trail and other popular backcountry trails cross private land with the permission of the landowner. If we are to continue to enjoy the privilege of recreational access to private land we must respect the wishes of landowners and go only where we are welcome. Please help us and all snow travelers maintain a positive image and a good working relationship with Vermont's many generous and public-spirited landowners.

Audrey and Phil Huffman
