Respectfully, the select board has it right about Joslin Road.

November, December, January, February, March and April are bad months to ride a bike, most of the school year.

It's not the worst, narrowest section of the road and is pretty typical of all roads. If you've walked this you know I speak the truth. It's very, very narrow across from the cemetery.

$1.5 million/25-foot road width by 28-foot road width equals $1.68 million; it will be much more than this due to the fact that you have side slopes, requiring more cut and fill, but this would be a minimum. If the road is narrower than 25 feet it will be proportionally much more.

It's a short walk; you don't need to bike. Carpooling works great, more so if many are coming from Spring Hill. The engineers will very likely way overbuild the road, anticipating some massive growth in population or some other designated standard that makes no sense for a small town.

Do we have a school bus? Honestly, I don't know the answer. We could have lights on each end, make it a width and a half bigger bike lane and probably save a few hundred thousand, but that won't fly. Perhaps there are other solutions?

Dear select board, thank you for not excessively spending our money; it's very much appreciated by many of us in town.

Neil Johnson
