To The Editor:

Thanks to a conscientious local citizen, we learned of recent vandalism at the Wu Ledges Town Forest. While taking pride in one's high school and graduating class is fine and commendable, defacing a community landmark to portray that pride is a serious mistake in judgment.

For thousands of years, Wu Ledges have been occupied by native plants and animals and, up until this incident, humans have hiked to and admired the site and left it unblemished. In a short period of time, that thousands-of-years history was marred.

A small reward is available for leads which result in a positive outcome. The paint should be removed – wire brush, no thinners or chemicals – and the site restored as best can be done.

Anonymous sources are fine. But what would be better and would uphold the integrity of the HUHS Class of 2014 best would be for the persons responsible to come forth themselves.

Contact Valerie Capels, town administrator, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 496-2218.

Leo Laferriere, chair
Waitsfield Conservation Commission
