Dill and Feta Romaine Salad

I found this NY Times recipe in July and wanted to make it for several weeks until I finally made it earlier this month. I’ve made it three times since including this week and may make it again this weekend. It’s that good and that easy.

Thinly-sliced romaine is iced down to get super crispy while lots of dill is snipped up to go with crumbled feta and scallions. Everything is mixed up and dressed with olive oil and lemon plus salt and pepper. The combination of lemon, dill, salty feta and oil is amazing. Here are the details:

  • 2 romaine hearts trimmed and thinly sliced
  • 1 cup crumbled feta cheese
  • ¾ cup lightly packed dill fronds
  • 4 scallions thinly sliced
  • 1/3 c olive oil
  • 3T fresh lemon juice
  • Salt and pepper

Serves 4-6

Ice lettuce in a large bowl for 15-20 minutes. Dry thoroughly and mix with other ingredients. Dress with olive oil and lemon juice, salt and pepper and eat.